
Getting Started

Thank you for purchasing Sabrina, the most versatile and flexible jamstack template, Built by Stackrole using Gatsby and Netlfiy CMS.


Sabrina comes with Home, About, Portfolio, Blog, and Contact pages. Each having a unique level layout and color customizations.

In this documentation, we will walk you thru each and every step that helps you fully customize and manage your content.

In this guide, we will walk you through step-by-step guidelines. To help launch your website.

Folder Structure

Sabrina Starter mostly follow this folder structure:

├── src
│   └── components
│   └── content
│   └── gatsby-plugin-theme-ui
│       └── index.js
│   └── pages
│   └── templates
│   └── util
├── static
│   └── admin 
│   └── assets
├── gatsby-config.js
└── package.json

Note: if you migrating/updating your website keep a backup of src/content and src/util folder as these contain all the date required for the website

Local Development


To get Gatsby working, you need the following installed

Once installed, you can verify the same from your terminal.

node -v
# v12.18.3

gatsby -v
# Gatsby CLI version: 2.19.1

yarn --version
# 1.22.5

Note: You can learn more about using command line interface (CLI) on your computer see instructions for Mac, instructions for Windows or instructions for Linux.

Creating a Website

After downloading your Sabrina package from Gumroad, Unzip the zip file. Inside the package, you will find the following folder structure:

├── starter
├── documentation

You need to change the directory into the starter

cd starter

Note: you need Gatsby CLI and Yarn installed prior to this


Now, run yarn install

yarn install

Once the installation is complete, run yarn start to start the server.

yarn start

After the development server is running it will show a URL from where you can see your website in action, mostly it would be http://localhost:8000

Netlify CMS in Local

To use Netlify CMS in the local environment, run the following command:

yarn cms

Now visit http://localhost:8000/admin

Note: Make sure you have local_backend: true in static/admin/config.yml

Once you are on Netlify CMS, you can navigate to Page, Portfolio, Posts, Tags, Categories, Menu, Appearance, and Settings to manage your website content and setting

You can select any collection to create, edit, and delete content

Manage Pages


Goto Pages > Home, here you can manage page info, featured image, layout options, customers and Testimonials


Goto Pages > About page, here you can manage page info, experiences timeline, education timeline, skills, and featured image


Goto Pages > Contact, here you can manage page info, contact information, and google map.


Goto Pages > Blog, here you can manage page info and SEO description


Goto Pages > Portfolio, here you can manage page info and SEO description

Manage Collections


Goto Portfolio, here you can add a new project and manage page info, SEO description image alignment, body, list view content, and grid view content.


Goto Posts, here you can add new posts and manage Post info, SEO description, body, tags, and category.


Goto Tags, here you can add new tags and manage its title. You can select a tag inside Post.

Each tag page will contain all posts listed under their respective tag.


Goto Categories, here you can add new categories and manage its title. You can select a category inside Post.

Each category page will contain all posts listed under their respective category.

Goto Menu, from here you can manage the header and footer menu.


Goto Appearance, from here you can manage the default and dark theme colors.

Manage Settings

Settings play a key role in managing your website. Make sure, you stop your server(ctrl+c) and restart the server(yarn start) after changing the settings.

General Settings

Goto Settings > General, Change your Site title, Website URL, SEO description, Favicon, and other settings.


Goto Settings > integrations to manage Google Analytics, Disqus, and Convertkit settings

Social Icons

Goto Settings > Social Icons, Manage social media icons on the footer.

Goto Settings > Footer, Manage logo visibility and copyright information

Deploying & Hosting

There are many awesome platforms to help you take your Gatsby website. Here are the instructions for Hosting Gatsby websites available on Gatsby's docs.

To take full advantage of Sabrina you need to host with Netlify, where you can pair with Netlify CMS to manage the content otherwise you can always use markdown and JSON files to manage content and settings.


Once you have finished adding content your need to create a Github Private Repository. This repository should have contents from the starter folder we created.

  1. Goto Netlify and signup
  2. Click New site from Git
  3. Connect your Github account
  4. Search and Select your repo.
  5. Leave build settings as default and Click Deploy

Your site deployment process will start and the website will be live in few minutes. Netlify will you give your site URL. for example

Configuring Netlify CMS

  • In GitHub, go to your account Settings, and select OAuth Apps under Developer Settings.
  • Select Register a new application.
  • For the Authorization callback URL, enter and homepage URL must be your Netlify site URL, and The other fields can contain anything you want.

    New Github OAuth app registration
    New Github OAuth app registration

  • When you complete the registration, you’ll be given a Client ID and a Client Secret for the app. You’ll need to add these to your Netlify site:

    • Go to Site settings > Access control > OAuth.
    • Under Authentication Providers, select Install Provider.
    • Select GitHub and enter the Client ID and Client Secret, then save.
  • Goto to, and log in with your Github account.

You can read more about using OAuth provider tokens on your Netlify site here:

Adding domain

Connecting a domain name to a Netlify website is fairly simple. Check out this article we wrote on Adding custom domain for Netlify website on Stackrole


Thank you, We really appreciate you taking the time to build your website with our Sabrina. We would love to get your feedback.

If you are facing issues, please feel free to contact us via email

We would love to see what you have built, please share your website with us @stackrole

😀 ❤️ 🎉